
Peter McGraw

I host solo.

Guest post by Caleb Warren: Humor Theories – The Big Three

Some pretty bright folks have asked the question, what makes things funny? Despite efforts from the likes of Aristotle, Kant, and Freud, there’s been little agreement on the answer. There are hundreds if not thousands of different humor theories, many of which fall into one of three broad categories: superiority theories, relief theories, and incongruity […]

Can you live an immoral life and make up for it right before you die?

George Newman, a post doc at the Yale School of Management, recently gave a talk at the Leeds School of Business. He and I had a chance to chat about his research, and I asked him about a paper that he published recently. The paper is related to the notion that death bed (aka end-of-life) […]

Another neuoromarketing publicity stunt?

I recently wrote a post about a market research company, NeuroFocus, that specializes in neuromarketing techniques. I questioned the strength of the methodology they used to support a claim that neuoro-imaging helped improved the sales of a magazine. Well, not to pick on NeuroFocus, but I wonder if they are over-claiming again. In a press […]

Should marketers pay consumers for their opinions?

Jillian Lakritz of Sandbox Collaborative recently gave a guest lecture in my Consumer Behavior class. Jillian is an expert in consumer insight research, branding, and product innovation. I asked her whether market researchers should pay consumers for their opinions. Her answer: What is noteworthy about Jillian’s answer is that she acknowledges the importance of authenticity. […]