
Month: May 2022

Singles as Exhausted Gift Givers

Singles as Exhausted Gift Givers SOLO 121 | Gift-Giver Singles

  Peter McGraw talks to Kinneret Lahad and Iris Schneider about the substantial costs that singles pay, subsidizing and supporting couples with gifts and attendance at weddings, rehearsal dinners, showers, baptisms, and gender reveal parties. Lahad is the co-author of a paper that investigates single women as exhausted givers and careful complainers—complaining about the asymmetry […]

The Lonely Hunter

The Lonely Hunter

  There are an increasing number of resources for singles–resources that do more than help you get hitched. The best books for singles take a thoughtful, researched-backed approach to understanding the complexities of single living. One of those books, The Lonely Hunter: How Our Search For Love Is Broken, was written by Aimée Lutkin. In […]

The Business Case for Singles: Q & A

The Business Case for Singles: Q & A Subscribe to Single Insights: The Science of Solos Single Insights: The Science of Solos, is a resource for entrepreneurs, marketers, managers, sales people, and human resource professionals who are looking for ways to escape the competition. I was recently interviewed by Amanda Kramer in my role as […]

Solo Thoughts 6: What Does It Mean To Be Solo?

Solo Thoughts 6: What Does It Mean To Be Solo? SOLO 118 | Solo Thoughts

  Host Peter McGraw returns to the desert to update his thinking on what it means to be solo versus single. — Listen to Episode #118 here   Solo Thoughts 6: What Does It Mean To Be Solo? In April of 2020, during a global pandemic, I launched my second book, Shtick to Business, and […]