
An open letter to my students: Create more. Consume less.

An open letter to my students: Create more. Consume less. Dear Students, In my last letter, I urged you to “never surrender” your hopes, dreams, and desires. This letter continues our (one-way) conversation about the perniciousness of your (damn) phones—and presents a path to a more remarkable life. Never have humans

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An open letter to my students: Never surrender!

Dear Students, I am concerned about (some of) you. This letter was prompted by a potential worrisome trend occurring within your generation: doom spending. I get why youthful optimism has waned within your generation. You watched your government botch the pandemic response, robbing many of you of important adolescent experiences.

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An open letter to my students: Write it or regret it.

Dear Students, In my previous letter, I expressed my concern about your phone habits and urged you to put down your (damn) phone and pick up a book and read – a lot. This letter asks you to do something even more difficult: put down your damn phone and pick

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An open letter to my students: Read books, please.

Dear Students, I am concerned about you. We live in a time of unprecedented access to information and entertainment through our smartphones. You have been raised in a digital playground where endless high-quality entertainment is a click away, 24 hours a day. Despite the convenience, it is making you worse

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The Morning of a Book Launch

About fifteen years ago, I began a daily ritual: wake early, walk to a coffee shop, write. I became a writer. Anyone who knows me, knows that I am more of a talker than a writer. At the start of the process 25 minutes of writing (à la the Pomodoro

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SOLO | Carrie Osgood | Creative Journey
Podcast - Solo

Creative Journeys

  How can creativity fuel a remarkable Solo life? Writer and storytelling expert Carrie Osgood joins Peter McGraw in the Solo Studio to explore using

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Podcast - I'm Not Joking

Curtain Call

  Welcome to the final episode of I’M NOT JOKING. Comedian JD Lopez returns from Episode 1 to debrief and reflect on Peter’s experience building

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