Month: April 2012

Talking to Humor Therapists

I am headed to Chicago today. The city is hosting The Association for Applied and Therapeutic Humor’s annual conference. Seriously. On Friday, I am presenting a session. Check it out: What Makes Things Funny?: Connecting Humor’s Antecedents to its Consequences. For millenia, philosophers, scientists, and entertainers have puzzled over the question of what makes things […]

Going Back to Bridgetown: The Humor Code Grills Andy Wood

As part of my global expedition that explores  what makes things funny, Joel Warner and I are grilling humorists about the science behind scoring laughs. For a long, long time, Portland’s comedy scene was anemic. No “A-room” comedy clubs, no big comedy bookers, no national buzz. That changed in 2008, however, with the launch of […]