
Month: July 2012

Meet Andy Nulman, Just for Laugh’s Head Honcho

As part of our global expedition exploring what makes things funny, we’re grilling humorists about the science behind scoring laughs. (This post was previously published at Wired.com.) Film has Cannes. Athletics have the Olympics. Music has South by Southwest. Comedy? It has Just for Laughs. The Just for Laughs Festival in Montreal, currently celebrating its […]

Benign violation theory inspired benign violations

I recently gave an Ignite presentation about the Humor Code’s Mad Men experiment.  It was a pretty funny affair –  thanks to some very creative ad folks who were  inspired by the Benign Violation Theory. Look here if you want to see more (funny) diagrams. If you are curious about the short presentation style: the […]

Don’t #@$% with Christina Pazsitzky

As part of our global expedition that explores  what makes things funny, Joel Warner and I are grilling humorists about the science behind scoring laughs. Folks are a-twitter over all the ladies taking over comedy these days. Chelsea Hander. Amy Sedaris. Kristin Wiig. Lena Dunham. Does this mean the women of comedy are finally getting […]