Month: May 2011

Why should companies do experiments?

It is Startup Week in Boulder, CO. Tomorrow, Thursday 5/19 at 3:00 pm, I am leading a salon style discussion: Why startups should do experiments. I recently visited Dan Ariely, Duke University professor, best selling author, and proponent of experimentation in business (read more). In anticipation of the event, I asked him: Why should companies […]

A killer whale meets Jennifer Grey’s nose: On the generalizability and value of analyzing The New Yorker’s Caption Contest

Co-authored with Phil Fernbach. In last week’s post, we presented an analysis of the captions for The New Yorker’s Cartoon Caption Contest #281 (which Roger Ebert won). We hoped that the analysis would help generate a general set of principles that would be useful to folks who want to win future contests. Our takeaway: Try […]

Do you want to win The New Yorker’s Cartoon Caption Contest?

Do you want to win The New Yorker’s Cartoon Caption Contest? The New Yorker’s Cartoon Caption Contest is the biggest of its kind in the world. Each week, thousands of readers submit potential captions for the cartoon on the last page of the magazine. The winner gets his or her name in The New Yorker […]