Month: June 2012

A primer on the power of defaults

With the Behavioral Research in Decision Making conference in town, now would be a good time for a lesson about defaults (which have long been a topic of study in the field). A default choice is an option that is selected automatically unless the decision maker specifies some alternative option. To learn everything you need […]

Behavioral Decision Theorists Descend on Boulder

More nerds are coming to Boulder. The Leeds School of Business at the University of Colorado is hosting two conferences next week: 1. The Behavioral Decision Research in Management conference (BDRM) brings together the best behavioral researchers. The topics of study are quite varied: Consumer behavior, organizational behavior, negotiation, managerial decision making, behavioral finance, experimental/behavioral […]

Laughter Medicine Is Serious Business

I recently visited Chicago to give a talk at the Association for Applied and Therapeutic Humor. Here is a post with Joel Warner about the conference (Posted previously on Wired) CHICAGO — The 2012 Association for Applied and Therapeutic Humor Conference is probably the only convention where it seems appropriate for a sock puppet to deliver […]