Peter McGraw

I host solo.

Creative Journeys

Creative Journeys SOLO | Carrie Osgood | Creative Journey

  How can creativity fuel a remarkable Solo life? Writer and storytelling expert Carrie Osgood joins Peter McGraw in the Solo Studio to explore using storytelling to embrace unconventional choices, alternative narrative frameworks beyond the Hero’s Journey, and how art can be a tool for personal transformation. Listen now and start rewriting your own story! […]

Valuing Yourself (Again)

Valuing Yourself (Again) SOLO | Sarah Stinson and Lawrence Williams | Value Yourself

  How do you value yourself? This fan-favorite episode is being re-released for new listeners (or a reminder for seasoned listeners)! Peter McGraw welcomes Sarah Stinson and Lawrence Williams into the Solo Studio to explore what it means to truly value yourself in a world that pushes conformity. Packed with personal stories and practical insights, […]

Aging Single #10: Retiring Early

Aging Single #10: Retiring Early SOLO | Pete Adeney & Jessalyn Dean | Early Retirement

  In this episode in the series on aging, retiring and dying single, Peter McGraw dives into the world of early retirement with Pete Adeney, aka Mr. Money Mustache, and Jessalyn Dean. They tackle the unique challenges and perks of achieving Financial Independence, Retire Early (FIRE) as a single person. Discover how Solos can navigate […]

Aging Single #9: Retiring Abroad

Aging Single #9: Retiring Abroad SOLO | Retiring Abroad

  We continue the Solo series on aging, retiring, and dying Solo with a look at expat living as a remarkable opportunity for singles. Kathleen Peddicord, a leading expert on living, investing, and retiring abroad, joins Peter McGraw to discuss the unique opportunities for singles to pursue a global lifestyle. With over 30 years of […]

Solo Thoughts 16: Are You the Hero in Your Life’s Story?

Solo Thoughts 16: Are You the Hero in Your Life’s Story? SOLO | Hero

  Peter McGraw reflects on the question, “Are you the hero in your life’s story?” After announcing a more spontaneous podcast release schedule, Peter dives into the idea of being the active protagonist in one’s life. Using the Hero’s Journey and Virgin’s Promise as frameworks, he unpacks the ways we can break free from domestication—society’s […]

An open letter to my students: Are you the hero in your life’s story?

Dear Students, In previous letters, I asked you to read, write, never surrender, and create more. In this one, I ask: Are you the hero in your life’s story? Few stories have captured the imagination of readers across generations quite like James Thurber’s The Secret Life of Walter Mitty. Published in 1939, the story is […]

Romance and Love as a Solo

Romance and Love as a Solo SOLO | Heather Newman | Romance

  How do you embrace romance while living a solo life? In this episode, Peter McGraw is joined by two special guests who crave romance without compromising their independence. They discuss navigating the complexities of love and dating, balancing autonomy with romantic desire and rethinking traditional relationship models. What do you think? Join the Solo […]

A Party Of One

A Party Of One SOLO | Meghan Keane | Party Of One

  Peter McGraw talks with Meghan Keane, the founder and managing producer of NPR’s Life Kit and author of the new book Party of One. They discuss the empowering message of being your own soulmate and navigating a world full of societal expectations. Meghan shares insights from her journey and advice for the mental and […]