Month: August 2021

The Remarkable Kid From Bombay

The Remarkable Kid From Bombay SOLO 91 | Love Language

  As part of a live taping for the Solo Club on Clubhouse, Peter McGraw speaks to Ketan Anjaria, a divorced dad and young empty nester. They have a wide-reaching conversation covering dating and race, mental health, and Ketan’s struggles spending time alone. Make sure you stick around to learn his “sixth love language.” — […]

Attachment Theory

Attachment Theory SOLO 90 | Attachment Theory

  Attachment theory has made its way into the public sphere with the help of the recent book Attached. The theory contends that people approach intimate relationships from one of three perspectives: secure, anxious, or avoidant. Peter McGraw and Iris Schneider are joined by Geoff MacDonald, a social psychologist and relationship scientist who is part […]