
Year: 2018

New research on humor in the workplace

New research on humor in the workplace

Benign violation theory sighting in forthcoming research by Sam Yam and colleagues. Here is an article about it. What I like about this work is that it highlights both the risks and rewards of being funny at work: A leader who issues a steady drumbeat of ‘benign violations’ through his or her humor can inadvertently […]

Beyond advertising: Marketing research on humor and consumer goals

The Journal of Consumer Research is publishing a paper that I wrote with Caleb Warren (University of Arizona) and Adam Barsky (University of Melbourne). We look beyond advertising research at ways humor has important effects on people’s lives. The abstract: Humor, Comedy, and Consumer Behavior Consumers regularly experience humor while buying and using products, procuring […]

Pitch Lab comes to the Leeds School of Business

The robots are coming. With that in mind, I have been incorporating communication, creativity, and charisma lessons into my marketing management course. Students are going to need those skills during the fourth industrial revolution. The Leeds School recently covered a comedy-inspired “pitch lab” that I recently hosted.  Here is an excerpt from the article: In […]