

How do people justify doing unethical things at work?

When I was visiting the University of Melbourne on sabbatical, I asked Adam Barsky, how people justify doing something unethical at work. His answer (based on his research): Read more about it in his recent paper: Barsky A. (2011) “Investigating the Effects of Moral Disengagement and Participation on Unethical Work

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Another fact about laughter: Laughing while alone

I recently wrote about how laughter can indicate one of two things: a situation that seems wrong is okay or a situation that seems okay is actually wrong. If laughter signals these two situations, you would expect it to occur mainly in the presence of other people, and it does.

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Using consumer behavior to improve your product pitch

I formed a “Board of Evaluators” for the consumer behavior course I teach at the Leeds School of Business. The BOE, as I like to call them, were tasked with evaluating two minute pitches that the students put on YouTube. The class was told that the BOE would be acting

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Repost: Are Hollywood actors shorter than average?

Reposted from last year’s popular post. How have you had friends or family meet a Hollywood actor and marvel at how short he is in real life? (This phenomenon seems to happen more often with males than females, so I will limit the discussion to male actors.) My friend, @markferne,

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How to check your hotel room for bed bugs

The next time you check into a hotel, I suggest you check for bed bugs. What do you do if you find evidence of bed bugs? A) Grab your bag. B) Go to the front desk. C) Tell an associate that your room has bed bugs. D) Enjoy an upgraded

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Why are haunted houses funny?

Have you been to a haunted house recently? There are two kinds of comedy associated with haunted houses: You observe people being scared and then laughing about it. You laugh at people’s reactions to being scared. Both seem to be happening here. Check out more here. Alf Lamont, a friend

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SOLO | Carrie Osgood | Creative Journey
Podcast - Solo

Creative Journeys

  How can creativity fuel a remarkable Solo life? Writer and storytelling expert Carrie Osgood joins Peter McGraw in the Solo Studio to explore using

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Podcast - I'm Not Joking

Curtain Call

  Welcome to the final episode of I’M NOT JOKING. Comedian JD Lopez returns from Episode 1 to debrief and reflect on Peter’s experience building

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