
Another year and another chance to listen to Dan Goldstein’s job market advice.

Reposted from last year.

Doctoral students and post-docs who hope to score an assistant professor job in marketing will soon be headed to the AMA’s Summer Educator Conference. There they will participate in a round of short interviews in which they present their best research.

Dan Goldstein of Decision Science News has some advice for aspiring marketing professors. Read his full post HERE.


Not to terrify the candidates too much, but here is one of the more notable nuggets from his post:

The interviewers will have looked at your CV for about one minute a couple months ago, and for a few seconds as you walked in the room. They will never have read your entire cover letter, and they will have forgotten most of what they did read. They could care less about your advisor and will get offended that you didn’t cite their advisor. They’ll pay attention to everything they’re supposed to ignore and assume nothing except what you repeat five times. Flouting 50 years of research in judgment and decision-making, they’ll attach a small weight to your CV and fly you out based on your interview.


Good luck!