In case you missed it, the Twitter hashtag, #AddaWordRuinaMovie, blew up on Saturday. A simple, fun concept. I jumped right in with:
Lawrence Fishburn of Arabia
Back to the Future Tense
Dog Day Afternoon Tea
The Graduate School
La Dolce Curriculum Vita
The Shawshank Redemption Center
Kramer vs. Cosmo Kramer
Schindler’s Listserve
Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mindshaft
At the time, I was hanging out with Dan Goldstein (@dggoldst). He suggested an excellent strategy. Start with a serious movie and then figure out the word that will ruin the movie while also making it funny. Using the strategy, he came up with this gem:
Dan’s strategy is evident in my most popular tweet (ever):
What is your best #AddaWordRuinaMovie tweet? Let me know at: @PeterMcGraw