Solo Thoughts 1: Health

SOLO 37 | Health Thoughts


Immune systems are the true heroes in the time of COVID-19, right? Welcome to the first installment in Peter McGraw’s attempt to present his ideas without a guest. In this episode, he talks about health as a foundation for a remarkable life and shares his thoughts on sleep, nutrition, and movement (i.e., exercise and beyond). 

Today’s episode of Solo is sponsored by Wrapture Masks. Since Peter recommends wearing protection during sex, he also recommends wrapping your face when you go out into the wild. And Wrapture has made the best non-medical grade mask money can buy. It’s antimicrobial, breathable & most importantly FULLY MACHINE WASHABLE, so you aren’t one and done. One mask lasts over 50 washes and I’ve been using for more than a month and it’s my go to mask. You can find them at Use promocode WRAPTURESOLO at checkout for a discount.

Listen to Episode #37 here


Solo Thoughts 1: Health

Our guest is Peter McGraw. This is the first installment of what I call Solo Thoughts, an episode with no guests. As you may know, I’ve experimented with something I call Things Pete Thinks within some of the episodes, but besides being a terrible name it takes too much time. This is a bit of an experiment. COVID is still a thing. What I’m going to do is talk a little bit about health. In part two, I’m going to talk a little bit about well-being. You won’t be surprised to hear that both are important to living a remarkable life. If I continue to do Solo Thoughts, I will dedicate later episodes to a variety of other topics including being a little bit more focused on single living. Let’s get started.

I want to talk a little bit about health. Lost in the media conversation with regard to COVID especially, people have been overlooking the value of good health. As I like to say, immune systems are the true heroes. As it’s beginning to look more and more, we’re going to have to live with this threat of the virus. We certainly can’t seem to stop its spread, especially here in the United States as evidenced by the events. There are going to be better treatments and that’s going to help. Certainly, having good health is a valuable way to combat it. Almost all the evidence suggests that people who are in poor health are most at risk.

I have a question that I often ask my students, myself, and my friends. That question is, is your health number one? It’s okay for you or anyone to make their health number 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 and 10, but I’d like to make the case for making health number one, not only for longevity but also for happiness. When you feel good and you’re healthy, it’s easier to be happy. It’s a more pleasurable way of existence. Moreover, it’s easier to be productive, to get things done, to be more creative, to move through the world with more energy, and to be invigorated. Thus, I see health as a foundation for nearly everything else in the world that you want to do and that I want to do. Part two of Solo Thoughts will focus on well-being in that way.

Sleep: Rest And Recovery

Let’s start by talking about sleep specifically and rest and recovery more generally. I ran a poll on Twitter where I asked people, “Are you tired? Are you worn out or neither?” Interestingly, the breakdown was 30% of respondents said they were tired, 44% said they were worn out, and 26% said neither. I haven’t defined what it means to be worn out. I think this is a big idea. Let me tell you a little bit of a story while I cue this up. We’ll talk a little bit about sleep here and how to overcome being worn out. As you know, I had spent what I called my sabbatical for my sabbatical. I spent two months in the Joshua Tree desert alone. I didn’t know exactly what to expect. I was fleeing the big city more than I was approaching the countryside. I knew that I was going to have more space and more freedom. It was going to be better out there than being locked in my box in the sky or my high-rise apartment building with all the amenities closed. My Los Angeles day life having shut down, my co-working space, coffee shops, gyms, etc.

There was a lot to get used to having to face the potential monotony of the day-to-day out in the desert. In hindsight, it ended up being a very good experience for me because I had not realized that I was worn out. I’ll often be tired. You’re often tired, I suspect. You’ve got a bad night’s sleep. Maybe you’ve been traveling. The remedy for being tired is pretty straightforward, simple, and easy. You take a nap or you get a good night’s sleep, and then you can bounce back rather quickly. I realized that I was worn out and this is not a surprise. I have a busy schedule and I like it. I don’t even refer to it as busy typically. That was a minor mistake to use that word. I don’t typically use it, but I keep a full day. It’s a day that is rather balanced in many ways. I work hard to get sleep. I get exercise and eat well, but I also work long hours and I travel a lot. I wouldn’t trade that for much, to be honest.

One of the things that I noticed on having been in the desert for a while, first of all, my life by virtue of being in the desert, ended up having much more of a recovery focus than I had planned. I had spent a lot of time getting sleep. I didn’t set an alarm for the entire two months. That’s something that I can’t recall having done in my adult life. I took some naps. I did a nighttime walk out in the Bureau of Land Management area nearby me. It’s a minimum of 45 minutes, sometimes 1.5 or 2 hours. I did some working out although not incredibly intense, but a lot of calisthenics. I was doing push-ups every day and trying to find ways to be motivated to get a workout. As an aside, I was surprised by how social my exercise is when I lacked that socialness even if it was being part of a class or being around other people. That tended to suffer, though there was an unintended consequence of this. I ate well and I didn’t drink at all when I was out there.

[bctt tweet=”Immune systems are the true heroes of the pandemic.” username=””]

I didn’t have that much stress out at least after I had launched my book. For the first couple of weeks, we’re a little bit intense with regard to work, but it started to die down. I noticed how much my body responded to having a bit more time to rest, recover, walk, and sleep. I looked better when I looked at myself in the mirror. Even though I wasn’t working out as intensely in many ways, my body looked better. What I realized in hindsight was that I was worn out and it’s not a surprise because although I have balance within my days, I don’t have balance within my year. I never take a vacation. I may travel and it’s usually for work. I may add fun things on top of it, but I never detach. I never get to relax.

That’s a big idea. The idea of we’ll talk about improving sleep. I got fresh air. I had fewer electronics. I listened to music. I read a lot. I eventually got bored. Eventually, it turned into a Groundhog Day and I realized that I had to move on. I invite you to question, are you tired like those 30% of people or are you worn out? If you’re worn out like those 44% of people, this may take a lot more to try to bounce back from it. I can imagine you saying, “That must be nice. Pandemics don’t come along often. Even if you’re on quarantine, it’s very difficult to do.” I want to press back and say that if your current lifestyle, for example, your work doesn’t give you enough vacation or to truly have a vacation. If your current situation doesn’t allow you to bounce back from being worn out, maybe it’s time to consider a different vocation or a different lifestyle.

This is life-changing for me. It’s a nice reminder that I might need to do this stuff a little bit more, especially given how hard I tend to work myself. Let’s step back and talk about sleep more generally. It’s interesting, I’ve had two worlds of sleep. The first world was the first 35 years or so of my life. That is I slept great until around age 33, 34. I’d fall asleep easily. I would sleep for eight hours. I’d wake up refreshed and everything was good. Those early thirties coincided with a lot of career uncertainties. I was job searching. Within academia, this is a fraught process. These are big stakes, very anxiety-producing and highly evaluative. Will you get a job? Will it be the job you want? You feel like you have very little chance for error when it comes to this.

I was affected by that naturally as someone who plans, as someone who’s an optimizer, as someone very dedicated to his craft and his career. I noticed myself and my hunch is this was a mix of two things. One is my work situation, which turned up the anxiety in a way that I hadn’t seen before. The second one was the nature of getting older in so far as your sleep quality can suffer as you get older. It’s part of the natural aging process. Thankfully, I don’t have problems falling asleep, but sometimes I have problems staying asleep. After 5 or 6 hours, I wake up and my mind starts working on problems and because of that, I start to get a little bit aroused not in a good way. I have a hard time falling back asleep and after 5 or 6 hours, it’s not enough sleep to get up. As a result, sometimes it takes me 8 hours to get 7-hour sleep. It will take me 9 hours to get out 8-hour sleep and so on.

Regardless of whether you have falling asleep insomnia or you have this early awakening idea, let’s talk about how to approach sleep. It may go without saying but I’ll say it anyway. I think that sleep is incredibly undervalued as a path to living a remarkable life. There’s this sort of way that people talk about sleep as this very luxurious thing and this thing that you can borrow against in order to be successful. The sleep when you’re dead idea, which is a little bit ironic because getting poor sleep is a great way to speed along death. The most obvious one is driving while I’m tired. There are these two elements of sleep though that you want to think about. Optimizing, if you can. One is the quantity of sleep. All the research suggests that the average person doesn’t get enough quantity, the magic number being 7, 8 or 9 hours, depending a little bit on individual differences. The other one is the quality of that sleep. How restful is it?

What are some of the things to talk about? One thing, for example, is trying to get on a schedule, trying to build sleep as a good healthy habit. This is easier for some people than others, depending on their travel schedule, depending on their lifestyle, but certainly being on a regular schedule, going to sleep around the same time every night, getting up around the same time every morning goes a long way in terms of helping both the quantity and the quality. In terms of quality, the other thing that the average person overlooks is what’s often called sleep hygiene. That is, what is the nature of your sleeping situation like? Being thoughtful about that goes a long way. I go to extreme measures, I’ll admit. Some people think it’s a little bit ridiculous, but in order for me to try to avoid waking up, I try to build a great environment for me to be sleeping in. For example, having a comfortable bed goes without saying, and yet I think a lot of people go cheap on mattresses.

I do think that for something you spend a third of your life on, you should try to save some money. One example of this might be, if you have a partner and you’re sharing a bed, a cheap mattress is affected by the person next to you, rolling over or getting up and getting down. While a more high-quality mattress will limit the movement that you experience. Another is, are your sheets comfortable? Do you have the right layers? Do you have the right temperature in the room? For me, I like to sleep at a very cool temperature. That’s easy in the Boulder winters. It’s harder to do in the summer, but getting a cool temperature in the room tends to be useful for people. Not always, but having that is helpful. Having a room that’s dark as possible. That can be hard to do. Sometimes if you’re on the roads being in a hotel room. I’m often amazed by the number of lights that are in a hotel room between clocks, TVs, fire detectors, and fire alarms. Unplugging those things, blocking them.

I wear an eye mask. There are several highly rated eye masks that you can find on Amazon. I know at first it’s a little bit weird to wear an eye mask, but once you get used to it, it’s a great way to block out light. You’ve got the comfort of your bed, the right temperature, eliminating as much light, artificial or natural, as possible. The last thing is the sound. Having a quiet space. I will use a white noise machine of sorts. I don’t use my phone. I turn my phone off at night and I put it in another room to avoid that distraction and that temptation. I realize that’s a luxury to have. Some people have to be reachable at night. I use a plug-in-the-wall white noise machine for that. These are all ways to try to keep yourself not only on the schedule but also to have an optimal environment. In the same way that you might try to engineer your environment to be ideally productive when it comes to fitness or when it comes to work.

For some of you, no matter what’s going on with all of these things, you might still struggle with regard to sleep. Perhaps you have a medical condition. You might be overweight or you have sleep apnea. If sleep partners complain that you snore loudly, this is one of those things where it is worthwhile to invest in the time and the money, speaking to a professional, and figuring out are there other things that you can do? One of the sad difficult things is someone might be overweight. They snore and they have sleep apnea. They have very poor quality sleep. One of the things that people tend to do when they don’t sleep well and they’re low in energy is they try to make up for it by eating more, by caloric intake. If you’re overweight, it then contributes to being more overweight. It contributes to more sleep apnea and it becomes this terrible cycle.

Those are my early thoughts about the importance of sleep and making that the number one priority the foundation of health. As a quick aside, one of the things that I think has been fascinating has been in professional athletics, the recognition of how important sleep is. Professional athletes may sleep 9 to 10 hours a night, within professional basketball. There is this 2:00 or 3:00 hour where almost all of the players are napping, especially because they have games that often go late in the evening. Some of the major strides within athletic performance has been on this rest and recovery element that these people don’t have training problems. They get plenty of training, they have recovery challenges. Are you tired or are you worn out or are you both may require different solutions as you move towards your remarkable life?

Eating: Nutrition

The next thing that I want to discuss is eating, this nutrition. I’ll admit, this is a rather easy one for me. My challenges with eating are fairly minor relative to the average person. This is because when I was young, I got into athletics. I wasn’t a very good athlete but I was dedicated and committed to getting better. Although we didn’t know as much about nutrition as we do now, I started to improve my eating as a fifteen-year-old. One of the things that I did in terms of developing a relationship with food at that time was to view it as fuel. My first thought with regard to a meal is not to approach it as a pleasurable experience, but rather to approach it as a way to get enough calories to get through my morning and my afternoon.

Another thing and this might be genetic or it could be related to how I was raised, but I’ve never been very into sweets. It’s easy for me to skip dessert. I’ve never been to sweets of anything. I like more salty and savory fatty types of foods. The great irony and the benefit in that is it used to be that fats were the bad guy and sugar was okay. Now that has certainly reversed. What makes me think that it’s at least partially genetic is that my sister didn’t have the same dedication towards athletics in her life, but both of us are “take it or leave it” dessert people. In a case, I recognize how fortunate I am and please don’t hate me for that.

I used to think that I eat well and compared to the average American, I was eating extraordinarily well. I’ve made a few changes in the last couple of years that have had a tremendous effect on my health. It helped me transform my body and particularly helped me get quite lean. These are two things. One is, this is something I started doing when I was much younger but had backslid a little bit, which is I do very little eating after 8:00, maybe 9:00 is the latest I’ll do. That essentially sets me up for about a twelve-hour fast. That is twelve hours of my day I will eat, and twelve hours of my day and night, I won’t. I know that this idea of intermittent fasting is a popular idea. There are a lot of theories about how it’s good for the human body in terms of recovery and metabolism.

I’m not sure about the veracity of those claims. It’s much too early to tell, but one thing that it certainly helps with is quantity. That is when you’re not eating, you’re not eating calories. One of the real benefits is cutting back a little bit on caloric intake. I know people who do 16, 18-hour fast. They don’t break their fast. They don’t have “breakfast” sometimes until 1:00 in the afternoon. They might have a cup of black coffee in the morning. I’ve never been someone who can do that. I find myself getting hungry much too early to do that. I like having a good, healthy, and balanced breakfast to start my day. I do enjoy a delicious cappuccino to start my day and kick off my writing ritual or at least my creative work rituals.

The second thing that I’ve done and this is consistent with EC Synkowski’s 800-gram challenge. She was an early guest on the Eating for a Remarkable Life episode. Very briefly, what her idea is there are a lot of fad diets out there. There are a lot of complicated things. She puts forth a simple system by which to improve one’s nutrition and it’s to eat 800 grams of fruits and vegetables within a day. That’s about six cups of fruits and vegetables. The idea behind it is that it helps both quantity and quality. When you eat a lot of fruits and vegetables, the nice thing about those is that it’s a little more difficult for your body to digest. They make you feel full for longer. It staves off the natural hunger that you tend to get. You’re less tempted and you’re less compelled to eat. That helps with a quality thing, and then fruits and vegetables are incredibly rich when it comes to macronutrients. It’s good to eat a lot of fruits and vegetables.

Before I met EC, I had already started my version of the 800-gram challenge. I didn’t have a great name for it like that. I recognize that I was eating a little too much processed foods especially bread, cold cuts and things like that. Sandwiches are great because they’re easy to eat. They’re fast, portable, and transportable. Growing up, I was pretty poor. They’re fairly inexpensive as far as it goes into eating. I used to eat a lot of sandwiches, breakfast sandwich and a sandwich for lunch. What I started to do was replace sandwiches with salads. I’ll often have a salad for breakfast. This salad may be accompanied or topped by a protein, chicken, steak, fish or poached eggs. People furrow their brow at the idea of having a salad for breakfast. I remind you that, why not? What a great way to start the day with a very healthy meal that also fills you up. You’re not going to find yourself getting hungry mid-morning.

I remember many years ago I did something called the salad challenge. It was my attempt to eat a salad every day for a month. That sounds ridiculous. At the time, I wasn’t doing anything like that. I’ve leaned into eating salads. I tried to have two salads a day. I even track it in the same way that I tracked my sleep. To back up, one of the fascinating things about tracking your sleep is you start to figure out the things that tend to coincide with poor sleep like having a drink, maybe an early meeting or an early flight that might contribute to anxieties. I was trying to eat salads a day that had this profound effect on my health. I invite you to think about a very simple change where you’re swapping out something that’s highly processed with vegetables and/or fruit.

The last thing and this has come up in the show but I certainly want to reiterate it. That is it’s harder to live a remarkable life doing a lot of drinking, at least one that is going to be viable in the long-term and especially as you get older. Drinking is a young person’s sport. One thing about alcohol is it has zero nutritional value. It’s not good on the quality side of things and it’s terrible on the quantity side of things. Alcohol is basically pure sugar. No one seems to want to talk about that but you’re drinking liquid sugar. The way I’ve done this is I’ve changed my view of alcohol from it being regular and used in mundane circumstances, especially maybe to try to spice up a mundane situation. Let’s face it, alcohol is fun.

The problem with alcohol is not how it makes you feel while you’re drinking it. The problem is how it makes you feel all the other times that you’re not drinking it especially the next morning, and especially because it contributes to poor sleep quality. Move away from regular and mundane to rare and special. This idea of it is a rare thing. It’s a special occasion thing. You can change the context by which you will have a drink. Indeed though, this is hard to do because it is socially sanctioned. It’s such a regular part of social events. The last thing about eating that I want to close with, I’ll tell you a short story when I was out in the desert. I was taking my sabbatical from my sabbatical. One of the things that I had to do, especially because I was far away, I had to cook my meals. I’m not a great cook. I’m certainly not a chef in any way.

On one hand that was good because I made the hard decisions in the supermarket, and then I had to eat the good and healthy food that I had purchased. There was very little temptation. It’s not like sitting there with a menu night in and night out, whether it be takeout or at a restaurant. Also, cooking was enough work that I wouldn’t eat. I was bored because I had to dedicate the time to prep and clean up. One of the downsides of it was I found myself eating the same meals over and over again. Healthful and not too caloric, but also got a little bit monotonous. One of the things that seem very clear about eating is this idea that diversity matters, that eating lots of different types of stuff, not just eating chicken or steak all the time, you need some fish. I’ll give you an example of this.

At some point, I found myself fixated on getting some kimchi. If you’re not familiar with kimchi, it accompanies a lot of Korean dishes. It’s like a fermented cabbage, which I know sounds gross but for someone like me who likes savory types of food, it’s quite appealing. I wouldn’t want to eat kimchi every single day, but I found myself craving in a sense. In part, I was craving it because of this notion of diversity that got into my head. That kimchi is good for you allegedly because of gut biomes because of the fermentation process. I’ve been able to scratch that itch, but it’s a good reminder that deviating from your normal food to other types of fruits and vegetables and meats is useful, especially from that macronutrient standpoint. It also refreshes when you go back to regulars that are there.


The last thing that I want to discuss is this notion of movement or exercise. I like the term movement better than exercise because exercise has this view of going to a gym or running. It’s something that you go, “I do exercise before I go to work,” or “I exercise after I go to work.” The idea of movement is more important. I’m sure you’ve heard these stories about sitting is the new smoking and how damaging it is to sit for long hours. This is something that I do a lot of as a writer or as a creative person. I’m sitting right now as I talked through this. What seems to be the case is not the sitting per se. It’s the uninterrupted sitting. Most people who sit are not getting enough movement. You can get away with doing a decent amount of sitting in a day, as long as you’re getting up often, as long as you’re moving often. From a longevity standpoint and a health and wellness standpoint, having movement/exercise in your life is incredibly important.

One of the ways that I tend to think about and this has been very helpful. I picked this up from Nassim Taleb in one of his books where he talks about he uses this barbell method for a variety of ideas. For example, he uses it with his investing. He has lots and lots of money in cash or treasury bonds, super safe stuff, and then a bunch of money in highly risky medical and technical innovation-focused companies and almost nothing in between. It might be a growth value stock that sits there. While I don’t necessarily do that with my own investing, I like this idea of a barbell approach when it comes to exercise.

The average person might go for a jog. What a barbell approach would say is you want to intersperse walking with sprinting. Pushing yourself at completely peak capacity or taking a stroll. That fits that press hard and then recover. You can think about the difference, which might be you do yoga and then some days you lift very heavy weights. Doing 3 or 5 reps of incredibly heavy stuff versus what a lot of people might do is go to the gym, get on a machine, and do 20 or 30 reps. I invite you to think about doing that in part because pushing yourself hard whether it be lifting heavy weights or doing sprints does tax the body. It helps build strength. It helps build muscle.

One of the things that are clear, especially as you start to get older is the value of having muscle. This came up in the bonus material for Charlie Merrill’s episode, Pain, Injury, and Moving with Joy. One nice thing about muscle, whether you’re a man or a woman, is it certainly helps your body look better. It’s also valuable in terms of protecting you from injury, especially as you get older. One of the worst things that can happen to an elderly person is a fall that turns into a broken hip and stronger people are less likely to do that. I know you’re probably thinking to yourself, “I’m 35 years old. I’m not worried about breaking a hip.” The problem with strength is you need to start building it now to be able to have it when you’re 85.

[bctt tweet=”When you’re tired, try moving rather than resting.” username=””]

Speaking of that episode with Charlie Merrill, I think a big idea is this idea of moving with joy. A lot of people tend to think about exercise. They don’t love it as I do. I love to exercise. I build it into my day. I use it as a treat. I use it as something to look forward to. It’s probably why it has that more social element for me. A game-changing idea for me was this idea that Charlie taught me, which is to move with joy. All things equal, try to pick exercises and activities that you like, that brings you pleasure, that feels less like work. This is especially important when you’re low in energy, when you’re a little tired or when you’re not feeling like pushing yourself.

One of the things that I often do in those situations is I get out a sheet of paper and I write down ten exercises that I like to do or that I feel like doing that day. Oftentimes they may be calisthenics-based. What I try to do is pick a diversity of movements that allow me to move my body in different types of ways. I may not be breathing that hard. I may not be working to failure or anything as I work through those ten movements, but I’m moving. I’m working muscles and joints. I’m getting something done and at the end of it, I often feel a lot more invigorated and a lot less low energy than if I had gone in and sat on the couch.

This is one of those counterintuitive things. When you’re tired, move versus when you’re tired, lay down. That helps change one’s relationship to exercise. It doesn’t have to be this onerous thing. Speaking of moving, one of the things that I did when I was in the desert was I started doing 100 push-ups a day. That ended up largely being a good experience. I was surprised at how my upper body responded to that. One of the things that I noticed that I have since enacted is I’ve taken much more of a barbell approach to my push-ups. Doing 100 pushups every single day, eventually, I started to get worn out. I started to break down a little bit. I’m much better off doing 100 push-ups every other day or 100 push-ups every three days or let’s say 150 push-ups every three days, rather than every day. Push yourself harder and then take those breaks.

The last thing that I want to talk about and this is bringing this full circle back to COVID, is one of the things that has been fascinating is that there’s some evidence and it’s correlational, about people who suffer from the illness that tends to be low in vitamin D. The natural way and from a medical standpoint would be, you should start taking vitamin D supplements to do that. I want to present to you a different idea and this is a much bigger idea. That is you might need some more sun and getting outside and getting a little bit of sun is useful on multiple fronts. One is it is a perfect, great, ideal way to get vitamin D. One of the things that are starting to emerge, there was an article that I had read in the Outside Magazine that talks about vitamin D. It’s not vitamin D per se that has these health benefits, but vitamin D is an indicator of good health. There are other things that are going on. Taking vitamin D supplements are an imperfect way to improve your health.

There’s a tension as a very pale guy who’s had some skin cancer issues and every six months is in the dermatologists getting precancerous spots frozen off of him. As you might imagine, it’s unpleasant especially when it’s on my face. Is that the mixed relationship that you and I certainly have with the sun, which is I don’t want to get too much sun. I don’t want to get sun at all in many ways because of what it does to my skin, and yet getting a little bit of sun is super useful. I’ve been working at trying to get modest amounts of sun, especially in places that are less risky for me in terms of cancerous stuff. I’m still wearing sunblock or a hat for my head, neck, hands and arms, which get a lot of sun. Maybe going for a swim in the pool or doing a little bit of a movement with joy outside a workout. The other benefit of getting some sun is you’ve got to be outside to get some sun. You’ve got to be at the beach, on a hike, in a park.

There is something about having some time and spending some time in nature as an important way to benefit our health. Going to a gym is great because everything you need is there, but going outside, getting fresh air, getting some sun, being around plants and animals, and walking in the sand without shoes on is an important cheat code to living a bit more healthy. I’m sure that’s plenty for you to think about. Let me know if you like this. I’m going to be back in part two where I’m going to talk about well-being. Should I make some changes to how I do this? Please let me know.

The last thing that I want to say is I recognize that I’m operating at a fairly high level. I’ve been focused on my health and fitness for many years. It’s a fundamental aspect of my identity. I identify as an athlete. If that’s not you, that’s okay. You want to start small. You want to start slowly. You don’t want to go out right away and start sprinting if you can’t run a mile. I don’t want to see people going out and getting hurt. Improving your health is a foundational element to living a remarkable life. As I like to say with those safety announcements on a plane, which is in case of emergency, oxygen masks will drop from the ceiling. Put it on yourself before helping others. Having good health as a baseline is the foundation for living a remarkable life. With that, I appreciate you reading. I hope this is helpful. I’m having a great time working on this show. I’ll talk to you soon. Cheers.


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