Massive online open courses (MOOCs) are growing in popularity. The New York Times, for instance, is mildly obsessed with them (see also Thomas Friedman’s excellent opinion piece about how MOOCs are a disruptive innovation).
Now there is a behavioral decision theory MOOC, which is offered by Coursera and taught by Dan Ariely:
And it’s not too late: ENROLL HERE.
The topics (with special guest lecturers):
Week 1: Irrationality (Gavan Fitzsimons, Eli Finkel)
Week 2: Psych of Money (Mike Norton, Kathleen Vohs)
Week 3: Dishonesty (Nina Mazar, Peter Ubel)
Week 4: Labor & Motivation (Lalin Anik)
Week 5: Self-control (Leslie John, Hedy Kober)
Week 6: Emotion (Dave Pizarro, me)
Post-course: Applications (Noah Goldstein, Todd Rogers)
As part of Week 6’s emotions module, Dan was nice enough to ask me to talk about what makes things funny. Here is a sneak peek (before the students can see it):