[Tuesday is the new Wednesday. This post is going up one day early.]
Carmel Hagen (@carmelelise) recently gave a guest lecture in my Consumer Behavior class. Carmel’s expertise is in the area of social media and branding. She is also a pretty cool gal.
After her talk, I asked her when brands should ask like people. Her response:
Carmel’s answer recognizes the emergence of the “Now Web,” which is the term being used to describe the real-time conversation that the internet provides. The other term being kicked around is the “Real-time Web.” Consider two examples of the Now Web in action:
1) Citizens tweeting about the Hudson River crash and sending out pictures before the news agencies even knew about it.
2) Google Instant trying to have a conversation with you by finishing your sentences (sometimes with funny consequences):
Click this link only if you want to see Billy Joel’s “We didn’t start the fire” auto completed.