Which of the following “luxury” items do you want to learn how to buy?
A) Rare wines
B) Helicopters
C) Face lifts
D) Estate jewelry
E) Vintage cars
F) Investment handbags
Well, you can learn how to purchase all of the in this week’s Wall Street Journal magazine. The most intriguing “how to” is a toss up between face lift and investment handbag.
Better than a house?
Today, if you’re going to lay out, at minimum, the equivalent of a month’s rent for a Manhattan one-bedroom on a purse, the agenda has to be investment. You’ll want something you can carry ad infinitum, hand down to future generations, or even resell on the off chance you get bored. A serious bag purchase right now should be trend-proof, with craftsmanship and materials that can outlive even the woman who carries it.
I knew that they can be rented or traded at bagborroworsteal.com, but I did know that a hand bag could be an investment. What’s next? Handbag loans?