TEDxBoulder is this Saturday (September 22, 2012). Check out the interesting lineup of speakers. Get your tickets HERE.
As a dude, I am interested in what Christin Myrick has to tell me. And just for the thrill of it, I am wondering if Erika Napoletano will drop an F-bomb or two.
By the way, if you are mildly obsessed by the TED-style talk phenomenon, track down the full version of this article from The New Yorker:
Today, the average TED video gets forty thousand views within twenty-four hours. The TED talk is today a sentimental form. Once, searching for transport, people might have read Charles Dickens, rushed the dance floor, watched the Oscars, put on the Smiths. Now there is TED. The appeal of TED comes as much from its presentation as from its substance. Establishing intellectual credentials in order to break past them helps give TED a somewhat vaporous tone. More than half of Long Beach talks end in standing ovations. Mentions Richard Saul Wurman. TED’s attendee list looks like something a Harvard development officer might hallucinate after huffing too much envelope glue. By most measures, TEDshapes its style against the mores of academia. It’s a recourse for college-educated adults who want to close the gap between academic thought and the lives they live now.
Finally, in (yet another) act of shameless self-promotion, here is the link to my own TEDxBoulder talk from 2010.