A lot can happen in one year.
About this time last year I gave a TEDxBoulder talk, which helped attract attention to my emerging research on humor.
A local writer, Joel Warner, penned two articles about my work – one in Westword and one in Wired. He documented my failed standup comedy attempt in a Denver dive bar and my moderately embarrassing interaction with Louis C.K. in a Denver green room.
He showed me that I have a lot to learn about humor in the real world.
In response, I invited him to continue his role as skeptic and join me on a global expedition that examines the nexus of science and comedy. Every so often, I will leave behind the Humor Research Lab (aka HuRL) and test my theories in the field. Successful or not, we expect some unintentional comedy along the way.
I will maintain my job and this blog in much the same manner, but I will sprinkle the occasional dispatch about our travels here.
For more about our adventures, check our:
Web page.
Facebook page.
Twitter account.
Wired blog.
Psychology Today blog.