

Eight minutes with Louis C.K.

Comedian, actor, writer, and producer, Louis C.K, recently performed his stand-up act at the Paramount Theater in Denver, CO. I pulled a few strings and managed to  speak with him before his performance. How Louis C.K. felt about my questions. . In previous posts (here and here) I addressed why

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Flash Post – Ignite Boulder 13

I am headed to Ignite Boulder 13 tonight. Ignite Boulder is a night of presentations with a twist. Presenting on a subject of their choice, speakers have exactly 5 minutes to teach something, enlighten us, or simply inspire — backed by 20 slides auto-advancing every 15 seconds. In the past

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Guest post by Caleb Warren: Humor Theories – The Big Three

Some pretty bright folks have asked the question, what makes things funny? Despite efforts from the likes of Aristotle, Kant, and Freud, there’s been little agreement on the answer. There are hundreds if not thousands of different humor theories, many of which fall into one of three broad categories: superiority

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Flash post: What the airlines don’t want you to know.

In a recent post, I discussed how airlines have lengthened the amount of time they say your flight will take. As a result, our flight appears to be on time (or not terribly late) even though the actual flight time remains the same. After we discussed the practice in class,

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Another neuoromarketing publicity stunt?

I recently wrote a post about a market research company, NeuroFocus, that specializes in neuromarketing techniques. I questioned the strength of the methodology they used to support a claim that neuoro-imaging helped improved the sales of a magazine. Well, not to pick on NeuroFocus, but I wonder if they are

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How can you tell if you have ESP?

The  subject of Extra Sensory Perception (ESP) came up in my class recently. According to a 2001 Gallup Poll, about 50% of the U.S. population believe in ESP. Few of my students were willing to admit publicly that they believe they can predict the future. Nonetheless, we had a spirited

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SOLO | Carrie Osgood | Creative Journey
Podcast - Solo

Creative Journeys

  How can creativity fuel a remarkable Solo life? Writer and storytelling expert Carrie Osgood joins Peter McGraw in the Solo Studio to explore using

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Podcast - I'm Not Joking

Curtain Call

  Welcome to the final episode of I’M NOT JOKING. Comedian JD Lopez returns from Episode 1 to debrief and reflect on Peter’s experience building

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