Behavioral Decision Research in Management – in London

The Behavioral Decision Research in Management conference (BDRM) begins tomorrow – in London. And I will be there getting my nerd on.

BDRM is the leading conference for behavioral research conducted in business schools. BDRM is held biennially and brings together the best of behavioral research within, but not limited to, the areas of consumer behavior, organizational behavior, negotiation, managerial decision making, behavioral finance, experimental and behavioral economics, decision analysis, behavioral strategy, behavioral operations research, behavioral accounting, and medical and legal decision making.

A couple of talks that I am particularly excited to attend:

– Accounts are more evaluable than dollars. By Cynthia Cryder, Scott Rick, Shahar Ayal, and Moty Amar

The unbearable lightness of upward mobility: A cognitive bias. By Shai Davidai and Thomas Gilovich


Download the program (or programme as folks in the UK would say) HERE.